Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Mindstorm Chronicles: Chapter Twelve

The Mindstorm
Chapter Twelve
A work of fiction? A work of non fiction? The work of insanity?
You decide.
The Post traumatic stress doesn't often allow you to not think. Especially with so much going on all of the time. Around and around the thoughts go until finally I drift off to sleep, or get up to find something to distract my weary mind. It was always difficult, not just because of the sorts of worries produced by stress, but because the thoughts could be so intriguing and compelling, even if they were bizarre to say the least.
Having alter personalities seemed to make it especially so. I say seemed because it had been so long that I couldn't remember what it was like to be one person. Sometimes just one person thinks too much, but MPD/DID may have a whole tribe of people thinking too much in what merely looks like one head. And then there is that I would expend no small amount of energy analyzing all of those thoughts, and trying to hold multiple possibilities about them all at the same time. Thinking itself could become like an exercise in heavy lifting. Especially when it came to the deeply personal and emotional thoughts one was often forced to wade through. In my world, anything could be too much to think about, my mind was always so busy. Maybe that's why Einstein kept forgetting where he lived. There were always more important things to think about. Just that not everybody bothers to think about them. Not seriously, anyway.
Sometimes it doesn't matter how real or unreal thoughts actually are in order to get you really thinking. For me it was always seeming as though anything were possible, at least until proven otherwise. That's the only way to face a vast unknown. Especially when you can't afford to allow yourself to be fooled by anything, least of all your own thoughts and emotions. Anything was possible, no matter how improbable. And only a very precious few things were ever certain. When you're uncertain about so many things it helps to remember who you are at all times, your truest self. Thus philosophy had become my greatest love. "What is the good life?" was always the most relevant question to anyone's existence. It's what defines you as a person, defines your character. I'd narrowed it down to three interacting principles through which I examined every effort to subvert my mind. Through which I examined all minds and everything that they produced. Love, righteousness, and mercy. They played upon each other in principle as if they were persons. God is love, which is why there is Righteousness and Mercy. And righteousness and mercy, like two brothers, love one another.  
Sometimes I think about my lion alter. It's a phenomena which apparently occurs naturally somehow in MPD/DID mind control victims, much like the angel Michael alter. There simply wouldn't be any reasons for the Nazis to program someone that way. All I can say about that is that it sure seems to be naturally occurring, and sure seems real enough. But explaining any of this stuff which became wildly metaphysical, even spiritual, was something that would be a challenge to anyone. Who would listen anyway? It all sounds too crazy. Even speaking to religionists about such ideas only ever led to arguments concerning their "yes, but" theologies. The word "but" in such instances began to strike me as merely a dishonest replacement for a punctuation mark, a period. So in my own mind I simply heard "Yes."
The lion alter was a sort of background feeling I had for the longest time that would sometimes produce insights into lions, or make me come up with wild tales about them in that Aesop's metaphorical lessons for slaves kind of way. Eventually though, as they tortured me every night and day I fragmented all the more, but sometimes in the most interesting ways. And at least the highly unusual thoughts helped to keep the torturers interested enough to let it go on without interrupting the stream of thought with more torture.  And that was reason enough to pursue even the strangest line of thinking, which normally one would have dismissed almost as soon as it began.
In some of these seeming flashbacks the angel Michael had decided to live as one of God's other creatures, something he hadn't done since they were created. He chose to be born as a lion. He gave himself a little extra advantage since he wasn't sure just how it would effect him. He was born a very large lion. And the other angels, as always, would learn from Michael's experience, and make sure that Michael didn't forget himself entirely, but would be sure to remember who and what he was, so that he would be sure to find his way home again.
Those kind of memories were never complete all at once, but began to come in flashbacks, and sometimes there were enough of them to eventually put together a more complete picture. I say memories because they are entirely first person experiences as though they were actual memories from the day before. But since it gets confusing I usually refer to my alters such as the lion as if they were someone else. Though you only experience the "otherness" of it after the fact.
There was a large tree that stood apart from the rest of the brush in a large clearing.  He was bothered that the monkeys would come over to the tree where the pride rested in the shade during the heat of the day, and so he would chase the monkeys back into their own trees whenever they became too brazen. "Stupid monkeys", he thought, "why would they continue to risk their lives this way?" There were always answers to such questions, "They like the fruit from the tree."  Well, he did see them eat the fruit. It didn't smell like it was worth eating and like it might make you sick, but perhaps that's just what monkeys ate. True enough, the monkeys didn't present any real danger, although they had sharp teeth and it wasn't worth risking an infection to actually catch one since there was so little meat to them anyway. Which is why he tolerated them sometimes rather than expend the energy in the heat of the day to chase them.
During these sessions, which usually occurred during times of psychological torture, you could feel what it was like to be a lion. Not only to have teeth and claws, and immense strength and agility, but also a sense of real authority that came from knowing one's place in things. While some few humans might want to trade places with lions, no lion would ever be anything other than a lion. If I only had one word to describe their consciousness, their being, the word would be "clarity".
Lions are hugely telepathic, at least they are with other lions. When the drought came, hunting had become so scarce there was nothing left to do but to hunt a remaining lone rogue elephant or to starve to death. The pride had never hunted an elephant before, in fact it may have been the first time ever that lions hunted elephants, but it would leave an impression on the telepathic, instinctual memory of the species. It was just Michael's nature. He had always been a strategist and a tactician. Absolutely necessary for facing an opponent as large as an elephant, even if you are about a third larger than any African lion the world had ever seen. Michael also loves a challenge, but he could never really seem to find one unless he first found some way to handicap himself. It's how he learned, how he evolved, how he loved, just like everyone else. There were two things that Michael was always proving to himself. He was no despot, and he was no panty waist.
Following their lead lion, the pride spread out into an on line formation behind the elephant and began to stalk their prey. The enormous lion began, from behind, to challenge the elephant causing him to turn and threaten to defend himself to the end. Meanwhile, some of the more experienced lionesses and young males
moved up on the flanks until the elephant was surrounded. Encouraged by the display of their leader personally challenging such a huge animal, the most experienced of the female hunters played her own leadership role on command and began to attack from behind, the real target being the elephant's hind legs. Soon the elephant was spinning in first one direction and then the next, only to be attacked from behind in every instance. First, by the experienced ones, and then as the enormous prey weakened the younger lions joined in the attack. The hunt had begun during the night, but had lasted well into the day. By the time the huge animal had lost it's legs and become fairly defenseless, and then finally laid it's massive head down for the last time, the entire pride was exhausted.  What lions had always known humanity would one day discover. That size and brute strength are no match for communication and teamwork.
He hated drinking from mud puddles worst of all. But a few weeks after the rains came life was good again. But Michael always had things to do, and so later the next spring he met his own demise when he was bitten by a hippopotamus while chasing it's young. It just seemed to come out of nowhere. As he lay dieing from a pierced lung he thought, "I should have known better". But neither Michael, nor lions, much question the mysterious rule of destiny. As his final strength was leaving him, he remembered all of the times the angels had spoken to him so as to remind him of who he really was. "No wonder," he thought, it was as he had always warned his pride. Take the older sick ones first, leave the young ones alone if you can. All creatures will fight harder for love than they will for anything else, even their own survival.
It had always been his fascination, even as a lion, why creatures behaved as they did.
End Chapter Twelve

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Mindstorm Chronicles: Chapter Eleven

The Mindstorm
Chapter Eleven
A work of fiction? A work of non fiction? The work of insanity?
You decide.
Seven. How would I ever explain about alter personalities, that they're not like counting objects, but each one in many ways as much an altered state of consciousness as an alter personality. People just would never understand about such things. Seven. My "little" alter which existed long before I ever became a victim of mind control. But that was true in one way or another of all my alter personalities in the end. Though I didn't get reacquainted with them until long after I'd become a "runner", someone who ran away from the mind controller's attempts to enslave them. I ran, but sometimes you can just never run far enough. It became such a part of my thinking that I would never again hear the name Iran without thinking about running. "I ran".
Whether or not you even believed in time anomalies they were always very difficult to grasp. Here I was as a seven year old speaking to people in some long distant future, many of whom weren't even born yet at the time that I spoke to them. And knowing about my future self as well, if only in some rather child like way. In fact, I eventually began to think that all of my true alter personalities were from some other place and time. And no few of them were earlier versions of myself. Part of that was intentional, a way of reconnecting to who I had been before mind control. Part of it just started happening in ways that I couldn't have anticipated.
The mind control program apparently looks for potentials within a person upon which to create alter egos. Alter egos in the same sort of sense that people often "put on" a different persona for work than they do for play. That's normal enough until you're traumatized and placed under continual hypnosis. Then you simply begin to live those alter egos. But by definition they don't become alter personalities until they have unique histories of their very own. Even that is an over generalization. There are any number of combinations when two conscious beings interact, even when they're in the same person. There are all sorts of in between states, and describing any of that is sort of like counting clouds. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't. And in the end it's meaningless anyway as they just keep changing. But it's possible to identify types of clouds, or to describe the cloud of the moment. Sure, alter personalities are a bit more permanent than that. But consciousness itself... is ever changing.
People who have been mind controlled begin with a few alter egos which have been intensified through a variety of methods. Made extreme by way of intensity and duration, but employing pretty standard psychological fare. Hypnosis, behavior modification, enhanced disassociation from spending time in metaphorical worlds where life becomes poetic, sometimes wonderful, sometimes tragic, but profoundly poetic.  But the phenomena doesn't stop. For whatever reason, mind control victims begin to generate many alter personalities all on their own, sometimes a thousand or more. As if the more or less programmed alter egos had just opened a doorway into some other type of consciousness where that just happens. As if the controllers themselves weren't so much attempting to create programmed alters, but were seeking to find alters hiding within an individual somewhere which could be controlled and manipulated, each one acquiring some new expertise according to some pre-existing proclivities or talents. The poetic side of it came from a simple mind control rule. No one was ever to speak about anything directly. Not ever. Under threat of punishment.
Every alter system is unique, as unique as the consciousness and the conscious experience that, is in all actuality, that alter system. But if you understandmore metaphysical approaches, Jungian collective unconsciousness and stuff like that, well, even that's highly arguable. Is consciousness like an aquarium, a closed system, or like and ocean, an open one? At any rate, as far as I know, my alter system is more than unique. It's in some category all of it's own because at least to some extent, I designed it before I entered into the mind control program.
The fact was that I had something that they wanted very badly. My mind. And they meant to have it. I could see that coming down the road. And so I did my best to prepare for it in advance. I knew they would splinter me into different personalities. And I knew that this had to happen if I was going to be able to get inside in order to do my investigations. But I had to make sure that I survived it with as much of my mind and my life intact as possible. And so I preplanned some of my alter system. The manner in which I conceptualized the plan was something like, that they were going to shatter me like a huge pane of glass. But if I deliberately created my own minor flaws I would shatter only along those creations, like safety glass. But just like shattering safety glass, not all of the results were predictable, just that there would be far fewer jagged edges. And as far as I knew nothing of the kind had ever been attempted before.
Oh, it seems brave now. But that's because it really happened. When I first conceived of it, it all seemed like a remote possibility, but one for which I had better be prepared just in case, and one that was interesting enough to hold my attention for hours on end. I had enough reason to believe that it could happen, even if I had far more rational reasons to believe that it wouldn't. My two biggest concerns were that no one was hurt, and that I wouldn't forget who I was, who I had always been. And so I fashioned alters out of my own personality. Earlier versions of myself with which I could reconnect. And that's why Seven is called Seven. That's the age at which he was made an alter, though it also includes the ages of eight and nine because it was an ongoing three year experience. That was one of the ways of naming these alters. The other was by the year in which a certain thought or event had occurred. Later there would be others, like Sixteen or 'Eighty Three. In fact it was 'Eighty Three that had put a lot of final design work into the preplanned part of alter system. That was the year that entering into the dark world of mind control began to look like an unavoidable certainty.  But if I played every card that I could just right, there was a chance that I could turn the tables on them. I could expose them for all that I was worth. And since the only way out of MKULTRA was to die, it seemed like my only hope. It was them or me, because I intended at the very least to die free.
Even back then 'Eighty Three thought that perhaps the alter system could include time anomalies from the future, at least in theory anyway. But it was ten years after when 'Ninety Three introduced past life alter personalities, seven years after having officially entered into the mind control program for research as a "volunteer", even though I had little actual choice in the matter. 'Ninety Three... Oh, my God. That was the year that I began to have complete recall of everything that had happened. And it nearly killed me. But it opened up the door to a world of metaphysical implications that as far as I know, nobody had ever even dreamed of. Even so, I had learned to organize my thoughts in so many other completely rational but rather sophisticated ways by sheer necessity. There were things which were consensual fact, things about which I was pretty darned sure but couldn't prove, a great many subjects about which I was any percent sure one way or another until there was more data for analysis, and fewer and fewer things all of the time that could be ruled out entirely. I endeavored to never assume, or never even to believe anything entirely one way or the other. That allowed for the greatest flexibility when I was a media analyst, and it came to be that my life might depend upon just that same flexibility in thinking. Besides, where modern science had held so many ideas to be mutually exclusive, post modern science simply didn't. At any rate, I no longer had the luxury of thinking of my thoughts or beliefs as being insignificant. Things were going critical. And that was always like like driving a car at 120 miles an hour. One mistake and it could all be over. And not just for me.
Since began to look very much to 'Ninety Three as though at some point things were going to become very intense again he began to summon every bit of logical reasoning that he could, and started to employ a types of simple computer commands in his thinking. If "a" then "b", if "c" then"d". Much of what he was learning seemed far to incredible to be true. And yet he couldn't deny the evidence that he had already seen. It's why he thought to sort of invoke past life alters who were going to be much needed specialists. Even that was so complicated, because sometimes the past life alters seemed real enough, but as if they were visiting from the past. But they also left behind such an impression that they never really left after that either.
Learning what he had about our past and about the future put Ninety Three through every emotional extreme possible. It's difficult to remember a very bad past. It's even worse to know about a very difficult future. A very...
Then there was the usual methods of distracting oneself from the stress of overbearing situations . Sorts of play periods. Music. Movies. Stuff. Just to stop and pick up an instrument and let all of those pent up feelings flow out into some creative notion or another was to do something rather than to simply feel overwhelmed and helpless at the feet of future "consequences" for what I was apparently going to be doing. And it wasn't as though I were all alone, either, though who could ever prove otherwise in matters of telepathy?
But, right now, I think I'll go lay down for awhile. And try not to think.
End Chapter Eleven